Dear Devotees,
A short note on utilizing Sexual Magickal Possession for spiritual advancement:
Of all the keys, formula and gateways within the the Primal Craft Grimoires, that of Sexual Magickal Possession is the one which yields the greatest power. Sexual Magickal Possession unlocks the mysteries hidden within the grimoires - it is the veritable key to spiritual evolution, empowerment and ascension in the Fire of the Dark Goddess Hecate. The Sexual Kalas are the very energy that power the vortices through which your soul may travel inter-dimensionally a la The Scorpion God. Such possession work can be initiated with any of the Four Gods (as such the below may be adapted to assist in this connection) to begin with but it is Hecate who holds the Supreme Keys. Using the very basic technique below should get most beginners started with this work. begin with the Call, as in ritual invocation... Use a circle at first to ensure what comes, is what is called. If you can master this technique you will unlock power woven and ensorcelled within the Primal Craft Grimoires and rites - that which is hidden.
When first calling Hecate into possession to initiate Sexual Magick, you may need initially to use self stimulus. The visualization of the Goddess is important here. Don't let the new age diminished view of visualization put you off using it - it is the same as any coded call or dialing code. Visualizing Hecate coming into and through you (and the same with sexual congress with the Gods) will assist your mind and soul in these calls. Here you are petitioning Hecate - informing Her that this is what you want (ie the invitation).
The act itself must be pro-longed, and the energy that comes in waves of ecstasy directed (with the visualization of the Goddess breathing fiery Kalas up through the energy centers of body and soul) up the spine. See (and feel) the Kundalini serpents rise up the spine. They should rise all the way out of the top the crown and breath fire into a dark sphere above your head (Look through The Red King for images of this: This is the Caduceus Gate of the Dark Star). Let Hecate flow through your very being, allow this energy to carry your soul and your consciousness higher and higher and out of your body (During this act you may operate both in spirit - as your soul travels through the realms - and in physical body. This is bi-locational conscious awareness)
The aim of all of this is to experience the inner orgasm, the soul orgasm (you will know the difference - there is no comparison between normal physical orgasms and soul orgasm, induced by a God or Goddess). Empowered sexual fluid will flow but the energy itself must be directed up through your spine and subtle energy centers and out of the crown as oppose to just shot forth out of the sexual centre.
You can use the map of the Nightside Tree in Queen of Hell to direct your soul if you wish..or just see where She takes you (The Goddess may have places She wants to take you - realms in which you will learn and become empowered). when your soul and consciousness are high enough the Third Eye will open properly ( with your eyes shut you will see thru your Third Eye centre) wormholes are opened and traversed by the soul who dives through this Third Eye vortex, using the power rising up the spine. This fuels the journey ( the sexual current). You should push until exhaustion. You should travel and focus and also document EVERYTHING immediately afterwards. Wormholes to astral realms and also into real time and space ( ie remote viewing of this plane) can be explored with this power. Practice is the key! Hecate evolves the soul, empowering it in Her Sexual Kalas in this way. This is the true LHP - The Evolution of being through the Sexual Fire of the Dark Goddess - it is the basis to the Phoenix legends etc. Be careful as The Goddess can stimulate you far more than any human - it can be very more-ish. It can also override the being, but to some extent, it is supposed to.

This excerpt below is the perfect (and slightly more formally written) prelude to this work -- consider it the Key to unlocking the power and techniques described in Chapter 10 of Queen of Hell :
Invocations & Possession Rites
Hecate uses the sexual current as one of the primary forms of enhancing the consciousness and being through spiritual progression and Magickal transformation. Many of the initiations into the mysteries held by the Goddess may be found through Sexual Magickal connection with the Queen of Hell.
Powerful rites are introduced via the Sex Magick current, entering into the very cellular structure of the physical body and infused into the mind, held within the self for recall and application at a later time when they may be resurrected and applied in ritual. It is through this powerful love and communion with the Dark Creator of the Witchcraft that we unlock the secrets of the universe.
The sacred communion with Hecate is achieved through the trance of sexual possession. It is important to visualize the Goddess coming into and through the body. This sexual congress is the way to assist mind and soul in communication with Her. The act must be prolonged and the energy that comes in waves of ecstasy is directed up the spine - with the visualization of the Goddess breathing fiery Kalas up through the energy centers. See and feel the Kundalini Serpents rising up the spine. They rise all the way out of the Crown energy centre and breathe fire into a dark sphere above the head (the Gate of the Dark Star). Let Hecate flow through you and let Her carry your soul and consciousness higher and higher, and out of your body.
The aim of this sexual trance is to experience the inner orgasm - the soul orgasm. The energy must be directed up through the various centers and out through the Crown - as opposed to solely the sexual centre. You may also visualize / witness the Caduceus rise from the base sexual energy centre and manifest in the ether. Let the atavistic growling and the ecstasy induced screams - caused by Hecate's power - come out. At this point you can let Her carry you through the inner planes. When your soul and consciousness are high enough the Third Eye will open properly and the gateways through the planes will be exposed and may then be traversed at soul level. Let the ecstatic trance take you to exhaustion. Try talking in the after phase (or even during the possession ) and let Hecate speak through you. You can also focus on other people and Hecate will speak to you about them. Gateways into astral realms and also into real time and space can be explored with this power. This is how Hecate evolves the soul with Her power.

Transformations Carried upon the ecstatic wave of power that is brought into this sexual congress with the Dark Divinity are the energies and essences of transformation itself, those which flow from the throne of Hecate, beyond Thaumiel, through both sides of the tree, now increased by the sexual rite in progress. This force permeates the very soul saturating and engulfing it with pure Goddess energy on all levels and planes. These are the currents (or Kalas) of stellar power whose transference to the human condition unlock the energy points and centers, awakening and charging them with the pure essence of the Queen of Hell, Heaven and Earth. These same Kalas infuse the sexual fluids of the body with their occult power, transmuting them into a Magickal substance that may be used in sigil charging, consecration and the creation of Magickal servitors amongst many other tasks. Fluids imbued in this manner with occult energy make the sigils with which they are used to charge, incredibly effective - this work may be continued in Chapter 10 of Queen of Hell - Embraced in Ecstasy - and the utilization of such power through all the Primal Craft Grimoires.
Hail S.W.F. - Agios 777