So. I tend to listen to Satanias work whilst I engage in solo sex rituals. Most of the time I film these. I've found my eyes change. At first I brushed it off as the common red eye we find in photos and videos. On investigating I found it only happens whilst listening to Satanias audios ( I've also investigated with lighting). 'll attached a pic which are from 3

separate sessions. Would love to know thoughts
when you normally focus on something, and your eyes are not used to do this, so too much of pressure on eyes mussels, it releases liquid pigment around your ball. It seems like when Child cry with anger mood. so, this is only selfie in the dark room and camera flashlight reflecting on his or her eyeball. It is very simple not unusual change. that does not mean to me very well. but nice try. 🍩
Whoa!! Your whole glare changed! :D
Fascinating I can see the Devil in your eyes what were you listening to ?