Other names: Bitru, Set, Sutekh, Sut; Rank: Prince; Specialties: Love;Passion, Sex, Prostitution, Sexual Seduction, Incubus and Succubus; Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles; Candle color: Blue; Incense: Cedar; Planet: Jupiter; Metal: Tin; Hours: Any time of day; Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Taurus • May 15-20; Great Ruler: Corson (Egyn); Element earth; Direction: North; Enn/mantra: lir-atch all-o-rah veh-fa Sit-ree; Enn pronunciation: Lirach Alora vefa Sitri;

Sitri is able to ignite love between two individuals - lust and desire. Sitri is very useful for love and lust spells, being one of the most used daemons in love binding works, seduction spells and spells to bring love. With it, a succubus/incubus can be created who are able to enter dreams and create the necessary desire for a certain target person to feel great sexual attraction. He makes people reveal themselves naked. He urges men and women and even homosexuals to fall in love. The twelfth spirit is Sitri, Bitru or Set. It is a prince and manifests itself at first with Griffin wings and a leopard's head, but after the master's command and the Exorcism it takes human, even pleasant, form. He commands 60 legions of spirits.
From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1583) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier) Sitri, alias Bitru, is a great prince, appearing with the face of a leopard, and having wings like a griffin: when he takes human form, he is very handsome, he inflames a man with the love of a woman, and also excites women to love men, being commanded that he voluntarily withhold the secrets of women, mocking them and mocking them, to make them luxuriously naked, and there to obey him sixty legions.
🕯️Do “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edição de 1863) Writing by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy:🕯️ Texto Original: Sytry or Bitru, great prince in the underworld; he appears in the form of a leopard, with griffin-like wings. But when he takes human form, he is of great beauty. It is he who inflames passions. He discovers, when he is ordered to, the secrets of the women he turns; willingly ridicularizando. Seventy legions obey him.
⭐⭐⭐ANALYSIS⭐⭐⭐ This daemon has powers related to the leopard's sagacity, such as being able to lurk without being discovered, but it can also influence unconditional love related to the number 6 (commands 60 legions, which would signify unconditional love on a higher level). Its name derives from the Latin for "appearance", and may be related simply to the fact that it is a daemon, a spirit that appears, or to the possibility of promoting the appearance of naked people at the request of the magician. Griffin wings – which ultimately belong to the eagle, the queen of birds – are related to the power to go anywhere and speed. However, there is evidence that the word griffin itself originates from the Hebrew word kherub, meaning cherub. Griffins are also mentioned in mythology as guardians of treasure, providing shelter and protection. Both of these characteristics relate to the Cherub Hahaiah. In the prophecy of Daniel (Daniel, 7), four animals are described, among them one “like a leopard, and it had four wings of a bird on its back; This beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it.” In addition to the prophetic meaning, this passage is associated with Alexander the Great, one of the greatest conquerors in history, due to the following aspects: the ferocity of the leopard would be related to its conquests, the four wings would be related to the speed of conquests, and the four heads would be related to the conquest of the kingdoms of 4 Greek generals (in a region where there was a tetrarchy).
NUMBER: 12; NAME: Sitri; OTHER NAMES: Bitru; ELEMENTS: Passion; MEANING; Sihtu, “the leaping one”, Bitru, “appearance”; HIERARCHY: Prince; LEGIONS: 60; APPEARANCE: Has griffin's wings and leopard's head; POWERS: Ignite people in love, show people naked; ISOPSEFIA: In modern language, 90+9+100+80+9=288=18=9 TAROT: 4 of Cups; ASTROLOGY: Jupiter in Taurus; DECANATE: 20th-30th Cancer (day) MUL.APIN UDU.IDIM.GU.UD / Mercury ANGEL: Hahaiah; ENTITY: Nergal; OTHERS: Oxóssi, jaguar gods from Mayan mythology, Dionysus (who rode a leopard);
🕯️🕯️🕯️ Salve SITRI
Oie amor💋💋💋