Other names: Avnas; Rank: President; Specialties: Money; Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles; Candle color: Orange; Incense: Lavender; Mercury planet; Metal: Mercury; Hours: Any time of the day, with the exception of night and twilight, unless its kings are evoked; Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Capricorn • January 06-10; Great Ruler: Goap (Amaymon); Fire element; Direction: South; Enn/mantra: Too fu-bin Aim-ee seh-core; Enn pronunciation: Tu Fubin Amy secore; Amy teaches Astrology and Science according to initiation interests. Amy provides excellent familiars and insights into the treasures of knowledge, how to advance her own initiation and magical secrets. It shows the way to fortune, and wealth, being used in spiritual works of financial pathbreaking and wealth pacts. Amy or Avnas is the fifty-eighth spirit and is a Great President of Hell. She appears amidst flames of fire. She has 36 legions of spirits under her command, she belongs to the order of angels. He hopes that after two thousand years he will return to the seventh throne.
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by SL MacGregor Mathers AMY, or AVNAS. – The 58th Spirit is Amy, or Avnas. He is a Great President, and appears first in the Form of a Flaming Fire; but after a while it takes on the Form of a handsome man Beautiful man . To these 72 Great Spirits of the Book Goetia are all Princes and Leaders of numbers. Guy. Your job is to make a Wonderful Knowledge in Astrology and all Liberal Sciences. He gives Good Familiars, and can deliver Treasures that are guarded by Spirits. He rules 36 Legions of Spirits.
F “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1583) written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)
Original text:Amy is the great president: she appears in a fiery flame, but the human form, taken up, makes astronomy a marvelous man out of all the liberal arts. He supplies the best servants: he shows the treasures preserved by the spirits. He has the prefecture of a thirty-six legion, part of the order of angels and partly of powers. He expects to return to the seventh throne after a thousand two hundred years, which is not. impossible.
From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863 edition) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Original text: Amy, great president of the underworld, and one of the princes of the infernal monarchy. He seems there surrounded by flames, but he effects on earth human traits. He teaches the secrets of astrology and the liberal arts; it gives good servants; he reveals to his friends the treasures guarded by the demons; he is prefect of thirty-six legions. Fallen angels and powers are under his command. He hopes that after two, a hundred thousand years he will return to heaven to occupy the seventh throne there; which is unbelievable, said Wierus.