I've been exlporing the idea of binding a spiritual companion to myself but it seems that this is not necessary. I suspect that my wife and I are meant to be spiritual partners in some way. We are meant to protect each other and build each other up, bot spiritually and physically.
Meditating with Lilith has led me to beleive that I must play the role of Incubus to attract my partner to her. After meditation and several misinterpretations I have developed a series of daily practices that will help my partner on her spiritual path and bring her to Lilith's dark embrace.
My current understanding is that right now she is not ready to know about the practices and that being secret makes them more powerful. I get the sense that if I continue these daily practices consistantly she will be able to connect with Lilith between 6 months to a year from now.
Connect with her physically every night through massage while channeling Lilith energy into her.
Before falling asleep declare intent to work with her in our dreams.
Perform a sexual ritual without ejaculation while I think of her to enhance her attraction to Lilith
Has anyone done anything like this? Has anyone here played the role of incubus or succubus in service to Lilith?