Hebrew Gematria: 1370Other names: Astarte, Ashera, Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Hera, Isis, Hathor;
Arabic name: عشيرات
Venus planet
Pentacles to use: 1, 2, 4 of Venus
Stone: Emerald or jade
Herb: Mint, Wheat.
Metal: Copper
Element earth
Direction: North
Disease: Those of the reproductive system, genitals, uterus and bladder.
Tarot Card: 7 of Wands
Candle color: green
Incense: Lavender or Cinnamon
Summoning time: Freely summoned, from dawn to dusk;
Zodiac Position: August 7-11, penultimate decan of Leo;
Great Ruler: Goap
Angel that rules over: Reyel
Below the Archangel: Michael
Enn/mantra: Tah-sa All-o-rah four-en Ass-tar-oth
Enn pronunciation: Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth
Specialties: Questions, Knowledge, Future.Hebrew Gematria: 1370 Other names: Astarte, Ashera, Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Hera, Isis, Hathor; Arabic name: عشيرات Venus planet Pentacles to use: 1, 2, 4 of Venus Stone: Emerald or jade Herb: Mint, Wheat. Metal: Copper Element earth Direction: North Disease: Those of the reproductive system, genitals, uterus and bladder. Tarot Card: 7 of Wands Candle color: green Incense: Lavender or Cinnamon Summoning time: Freely summoned, from dawn to dusk; Zodiac Position: August 7-11, penultimate decan of Leo; Great Ruler: Goap Angel that rules over: Reyel Below the Archangel: Michael Enn/mantra: Tah-sa All-o-rah four-en Ass-tar-oth Enn pronunciation: Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth Specialties: Questions, Knowledge, Future.

🔯🔯🔯Astaroth - Astarte🔯🔯🔯 A male demon that evolved from the ancient Phoenician mother goddess of fertility, Astarte or Ashtoreth. Astaroth is also a Fallen Angel and the 29th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. According to Jewish tradition, he was a high-ranking angel, one of the seraphim, a prince of thrones, before his fall. Astaroth is a Grand Duke and Treasurer of Hell and commands 40 Legions of Demons. He is one of the three supreme evil demons, with Beelzebub and Lucifer, in the Grimoire Verum and the Grand Grimoire, which date back to the 18th century. In Lemegeton, he appears as a handsome or ugly angel, riding a dragon and holding a viper. It has a strong smell and stinky breath. Mages who wish to conjure it must hold a magic ring in front of their faces to protect themselves against its scent. Astaroth teaches all sciences and is the keeper of the secrets of the past, present and future. He is invoked in necromantic divination rituals. When cast in magical rites, which must be performed on Wednesday nights between 10:00 am and 11:00 am, it will give truthful answers to questions about the past, present and future. He uncovers secrets and is skilled in liberal sciences. He encourages laziness and laziness. The devil is said to instigate cases of demonic possession, most notably that of the Loudun nuns in France in the 16th century. The nuns accused a priest, Father Urbain Grandier, of causing their possession. At Grandier's trial, a handwritten "confession" of him was produced detailing his Pact with the Devil, witnessed and signed by Astaroth and several other Demons. Astaroth loves to talk about Creation and the Fall, and the faults of angels. He believes that he was unjustly punished by God and that someday he will be restored to his rightful place in heaven. Astaroth can be thwarted by asking Saint Bartholomew for help.
🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ 🕯️Different Diabolic Descriptions🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ 🕯️Ars goetia by Crowley and Mathers:🕯️🕯️ The Twenty-ninth Spirit He is astaroth, a mighty and strong duke, in the form of a sorrowful angel mounted on an infernal beast like a dragon, and carrying in his right hand a viper. Thou shalt by no means let him approach too close to thee, lest he harm thee with his noxious breath. Therefore the Mage must hold the Magic Ring (of Solomon) close to his face, and this will defend him. He gives true answers about things Past, Present and Future, and can discover all Secrets. He will consciously declare how the Spirits fell, if desired, and the reason for his own fall. He can make men wonderfully acquainted with all the liberal sciences. He rules 40 Legions of Spirits. His seal is this, which clothe thee as a Lamen before thee, or else he shall not appear nor obey thee, &c.
🕯️🕯️Goetia Dr. Rudd:🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ The twenty-ninth spirit is Astaroth, he is a mighty and strong Duke and appears in the form of a beautiful angel riding an Infernal [creature] like a dragon and carrying in his right hand a viper, you must not let him get too close from you lest he harm you with his stinking breath; therefore, the Mage must hold the Magic Ring close to his face and this will defend him. He gives true answers of things past, present, and future, and can discover all secrets, he will discover and declare gladly how spirits fell if desired, and the reason of his own fall, he can make men wonderful [ly] knowing in all liberal sciences. He rules over 40 legions of spirits. His seal is he who dresses like a Lamen before you, or else he will not appear or obey you.
🕯️In the sacred magic of Abramelin the Mage:🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ Astaroth is extensively described in this grimoire, including the spirits that serve him, the first citation of the book is found in the introduction made by Samuel Liddell "McGregor" Mathers in the 1898 version, which mentions that the mere appearance of this entity would kill its caster if it weren't for by the protection circle, in the sequence he is described as one of the eight sub princes used in the conjurations from the early days, the 49 servant spirits of Astaroth are as follows:

🕯️Pseudomonarchy Daemonun (1563):🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ Astaroth is a great and strong duke, coming in the form of a fowle angel, seated upon an infernal dragon, and carrying in his right hand a viper: he faithfully answers questions present, past. and to come, and also of all secrets. He willingly speaks of the creator of spirits, and of their fall, and how they sinned and fell: he says that he did not fall of his own accord. He has become a wonderfully erudite man in the liberal sciences, he rules fourteen legions. Let every exorcist beware lest he admit him too close to him, on account of his foul-smelling breath. And therefore let the magician hold close to his face a magic ring, and it will defend him. 🕯️🕯️The Book of Oberon:🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ The third is called Astaroth; he can teach the seven liberal arts and give a true answer to all things past, present and future, and he has a horrible appearance, mounted on an infernal dragon carrying a serpent in his hand from whose mouth a great sting proceeds. Therefore, allow him not to enter your circle, for he is dangerous and will put you in danger. 🕯️🕯️Grimorium Verum:🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ The inferior spirits who obey LUCIFER inhabit Europe and Asia. Those who are obedient to BEELZEBUTH live in Africa, who obtain the laws. ASTAROTH lives in America. Of these three, each has two commanders-in-chief to whom he orders his affairs in all things about which the emperor has decided and decreed in every part of the world, and reciprocally they report to these all that is being done. ASTAROTH appears in black and white, most often in human form, but sometimes in the form of an ass. ASTAROTH - ADOR - CAMESO - VALUERITUF - MARESO - LODIR - CADOMIR - ALUIEL - CALNISO - TELY - PLEORIM - VIORDY - CUREVIORBAS - CAMERON - VESTURIEL - VULNAVIJ - BENEZ - MY CALMIRON - NOARD - NISA CHENIBRAN BO CALVODIUM - BRAZO - TABRASOL - COME - ASTAROTH. Amen.
After saying seven times one of the conjurations presented above, which is directed to one of the superior spirits, you will see the spirit appear immediately, in order to serve you in all that you wish. NOTE: You will need to write the previous conjuration on virgin parchment to summon the spirit, and once you are satisfied, dismiss the spirit as follows: 🕯️FAREWELL OF THE SPIRIT:🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ When you have written the spell on the virgin parchment, you have seen the spirit and you are satisfied, you can then dismiss it by saying the following: Ite in pace ad loca vestra et pax sit inter vos editari ad mecum vos invocavero, in nomine Patris - et Filii - et Spiritus Sancti - Amen. (“Go in peace to your place of origin, peace be upon you and be prepared to come to me when I call you, in the name of the Father – and of the Son – and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”).
🔯TAROT - Astaroth🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯 🔯Tarot card reference (7 of Wands) with the entity of Astaroth: The cards of the suit of clubs are all linked to the fire element, this card teaches us that it is necessary to have faith and continue to be strong, in general the card means dispute, which also means to be proved (tested), Astaroth helps only those who they are strong and trusting, for one who trusts neither himself nor the mightiest of demons can help. This clearly reflects its aspects about opening paths, even if it is by force, and breaking spells, because someone psychologically strengthened, can hardly be attacked magically, as is taught in the book "Psychic Self-Defense" by Dion Fortune. Astaroth strengthens his magicians by teaching that the external (macrocosm) should not be allowed to affect the internal (microcosm), even more so when it comes to overcoming the difficulties presented. Living is not easy, and whoever wants to live like that (having an easy life) is not yet mature enough to understand that we are always in dispute with something, someone or force, Astaroth teaches to win by perseverance and unshakable attitude, it is important to desire to be placed the test, to be tempted, to be tested, in order to prove his ability to himself, for man is the exercise he does. The image of this arcane shows a man at the top wielding his staff bravely against many others below him who desire his position, so understand the following, just as we are afraid, our adversaries also have them, if we prove ourselves weak, they will not think twice. in attacking and destroying us, if we face them head on with all our courage and willingness, our opponents will understand that if they come to attack us, they will not come out unscathed, and such a posture also generates the posture necessary for you to beat yourself on a daily basis by opening thus the doors and paths to what you really want. Do not listen to those who think they are weak, and therefore are pessimistic, these mediocre will achieve nothing, fight for what you want, being a magician and being in touch with the energy of Astaroth teaches us to trust our own abilities and potentials.
Astaroth for love 🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯
It provides the attitude necessary to find ways to the person's heart, it also provides self-esteem and self-love, because you only give what you have, and whoever has not learned to respect and love himself first, is sick in relation to others. , so Astaroth may not be able to get you to be with the specific person you want, but either way, it will make you the ideal lover for anyone. Astaroth and work,money,power,business 🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯
Astaroth opens the way for those who wish to work to succeed, through the recognition of his work and effort, he makes an immense exchange of energy with the environment, and with his attitude of confidence (not to be confused with pride) he shows his potential to people. , he can help people to get what they want, and he will do it through posture, work and strategy.
⭐Pentacles used to constrain the spirit of Astaroth⭐ The following pentacles must be placed on the altar during the evocation, they are the following, the Pentacles of Venus number 1, 2 and 4.
Author of the post: Robson Belli Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bellirobson Email: contato@lemegeton.net Website: https://lemegeton.net 🔯Seals of Astaroth 🔯Seal of Astaroth by Dr Rudd's Goetia

🔯Astaroth's Kamea🔯

🔯witches wheel🔯

🔯Pink Cross🔯

🔯Grimorium Verum🔯

Continue... (2 - part) In the second chapter there is a secret ritual to summon the prince ASTAROTH, taken from the cursed Grimorio of Honorio.
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