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Other names: Flauros, Hauras, Havres, Haurus; Rank: Duke; Specialties: Questions, Knowledge, Military, Future; Tarot Card: 6 of Swords; Candle color: Green; Incense: Sandalwood; Venus planet; Metal: Copper; Time: Freely evoked, from dawn to dusk; Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Aquarius • February 04-08; Great Ruler: Goap (Amaymon); Fire element; Direction: South; Enn/mantra: Gahn-ich tah-sa fu-bin Fla-ree them; Enn pronunciation: Ganic tasa fubin Flauros;
🕯️Dictionary of Demonilogy🕯️
Flereous, Feurety: (Unknown) god of fire. Fire Elemental used in place of Satan. Hell lieutenant. Haures is a spirit of divination that instructs about things that can happen and about the past. He instructs on the fall of the Spirits and Angels, and on the Creation of Being. Haures destroys and burns the magician's enemies and slays men with fire and protects the magician against other spirits. He knows all the secrets and will bring harm to his enemies. Haures, Flauros, Hauras, or Havres. He is a great Duke, and appears at first as a leopard, mighty, terrible, and mighty, but after the Magician's command, he takes human form, with fiery, fiery eyes, and a terrible, cruel countenance, his presence is very dominant. . he rules 36 legions of spirits.
🕯️Different Demonic Descriptions🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
🕯️From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by SL MacGregor Mathers🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ HAURES, or HAURAS, or HAVRES, or FLAUROB. The sixty-fourth spirit is Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros. He is a Grand Duke, and appears at first as a Leopard, Mighty, Terrible and Strong, but after a while, under the Exorcist's Command, he transforms into a Human. He forms with flaming and burning eyes, and a most terrible countenance. He gives True Answers of all things, Present, Past and Coming. But if he is not ordained in a Triangle, O, he will lie in all these things, and deceive and seduce the Exorcist in these things, or in such and such a business. He will, finally, speak of the Creation of the World, and of the Divinity, and of how he and other Spirits fell. He destroys and burns those who are the Enemies of the Exorcist if he so chooses; also he will not suffer him to be tempted by any other Spirit or otherwise. He rules 36 Legions of Spirits,
🕯️From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1583) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ Flauros a strong duke, is seen in the form of a strong and terrible leopard, in human form, he shows a terrible countenance, and fiery eyes, he truly answers about things present, past, and future; But if he is not within the triangle, he lies in all things and cheats in other things, and seduces in other affairs. He happily speaks of divinity, the creation of the world, and the fall; he is constrained by divine virtue, like all divels or spirits, to burn and destroy all conjuring adversaries. And if commanded, he does not allow the spellcaster to be tempted, and he has twenty legions under his command.
🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️occult would🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
The Demon Haures (Hauras, Haurus, Havres, Flauros) is a Fallen Angel and the 64th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Haures reigns as duke with 36 Legions of Demons under his command. He first appears as a terrible leopard, but if commanded, he will change form into a man with fiery eyes and a terrible countenance. If invoked in the magician's triangle, he will give true answers to questions about the past, present and future; outside the triangle, he will lie. Haures will speak openly about divinity, the creation of the world, and the fall of the Angels, including his own downfall. He will destroy and burn enemies, but he will protect those who invoke him from temptation, spirits, and other dangers.
🕯️From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863 edition) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Original text: Flauros, great general in the underworld. He shows himself in the guise of a terrible leopard. When he takes human form, he wears an ugly face, with fiery eyes. He knows the past, the present and the future, stirs up all demons or spirits against his enemies the exorcists, and commands twenty legions.
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