Marbas Demon Seal

Other names: Beards; Rank: President; Specialties: Questions, Health, Future; Tarot Card: 4 of Wands; Candle color: Orange; Incense: Lavender; Mercury planet; Metal: Mercury; Hours: Any time of the day, with the exception of night and twilight, unless its kings are evoked; Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Aries • April 09-14; Great Ruler: Amaymon (Oriens); Element: Air; Direction: East; Enn/mantra: Ren-ich tah-sa ubur-ak-a buy-ass-a ick-r Mar-bas; Enn pronunciation: Renich tasa uberace biasa icar Marbas;
✡️✡️DEMONOLOGY DICTIONARY✡️✡️ Barbas, Marbas: (One of the 72 Demons of Solomon) A demon of mechanics according to some hierarchies.

Marbas correctly answers all questions about hidden or secret things and can also reveal hidden spells. He heals and causes disease, bestows great wisdom and knowledge in Mechanical Arts. It can change people's shape in the sense of physical shape like making the individual beautiful and/or slender. Marbas is one of the daemons used in spiritual works to cure diseases and spells that help to improve health problems. Marbas, or Barbas, is a great President, who first manifests himself in the form of a great lion, but later, at the master's request, he takes human form. He rules 36 legions of spirits.
Author of the post: Robson Belli Facebook: Email: Website:

MARBAS Illnesses Marbas is a president, who appears in the form of a large lion, answering about hidden or secret things. He causes diseases and cures them, and bestows wisdom in the mechanical arts, and can also change the form of men. He rules 36 legions of spirits.
ANALYSIS Marbas is an entity with characteristics very close to those of the Egyptian nethers Maahes and Sekhmet. Maahes or Mihos is said to be the devourer of the guilty and protector of the innocent, and he fought the serpent Apep to protect the Sun, Ra. Other epithets for Maahes are Lord of Slaughter and Lord Scarlet, being associated with wars. Sekhmet, mother of Maahes, is a symbol of Ra's punishment, and associated with justice, but also with healing, representing medicine. Joining the attributes of Maahes and Sekhmet, we have Marbas as a Daemon related to curing and causing disease, in addition to mechanical teachings (for war mechanisms). The name Helleborus is also that of a plant, which has medicinal qualities in low concentration, but in high concentration it can cause problems in the nervous system, in addition to depression and death. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was used in a diluted form to treat paralysis and insanity, as well as other ailments. Therefore, the character of causing or curing diseases is observed, depending on the amount ingested. The gematria of the name Marbas gives the value 204, related to the duality of 2 (healing/disease), and also to the material plane of 4, both in terms of physical health and in terms of mechanical abilities. The value reduces to 6, which would be the manifestation of a spirit in a physical form, forming an animated body. The aspect of molding the physical body, regenerating the soul, is clearly presented. The association with the Kether-Binah connection is due to the fact that Marbas has a character very close to royalty (another aspect of the Lion), with a focus on Severity, delivered to men in Binah in the form of divine understanding and justice.
ABSTRACT NUMBER 5; NAME: Marbas; OTHER NAMES: Margas, Barba, Helleborus; ELEMENTS: Diseases; MEANING: Mahes, “lion” in ancient Egyptian; HIERARCHY: President; LEGIONS: 36; APPEARANCE: A large lion POWERS Cause and cure disease, teach mechanics, transmutation of humans; ISOPSEFIA: In modern language, 30+1+80+2+1+90=204=6; TAROT: 6 of DIAMONDS; ASTROLOGY: Mercury in Aries; DECANARY: 10th-20th Taurus (day); MUL.APIN d.Marduk / bLeo ANGEL: Mahasiah; ENTITY: Maahes; OTHERS: Apedemak, Lions in the bible, Sekhmet, Xapanã (orixá);