I have been searching for a more open discusssion on ritual and craft + the astral path that many people seem to care deeply about . i live in DALLAS TEXAS. I need more people to reflect my desires. i dont want a fucking zoom discussion . its seems like it i supposed to be lonely for a reason. All that i care about is the mysteries and it would be nice to find a club that is more down in the real esoteric shit that makes your heart stop to unlock things or at least be willing to fuck it up for the sake of attempting to do the work. I KNOW WHAT I WOULD THINK IF I READ THIS. WHO FUCKIN CARES THAT IS YOUR PATH AND DESTINY AND I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY TO EVEN BE AWARE THE MYSTERIES EXIST. Im just seeing if anybody has blood coursing through their veins still or is this just a forum where a bunch of guys are just looking for goth chicks to fuck? either way fuck em all. but if this resonates with you fucking let me hear you. good .bad. insult . just let me know your fucking still breathing. NB AUGUST 5_6 2O21.
wouldnt this be a sweet tarot card?
Lovely photo. You look sexy on it. I love bondage. I'd love to be tied up that way. <3
What does that involve ?
Yes indeed would love, for at present am reading ea koetting about building astral altars
BTW: Love the pic !