So far I've been meditating on the Vampire transformation consistently usually for 45 minutes twice a day seeing visuals of bats, blood cells, graveyards, and most consistently a moon of the colors orange or white (possibly a super moon or blood moon). One of them that struck me was sharp red crystals that were bloodstained. I have never seen anything like it before but, after looking up meditation meanings I looked up the stone closest to it: garnet.
I've read garnet is linked to the root chakra, vitality, and balance.
Another time when I had meditated I've seen a brilliant blue gem with rainbow crystals and the other a translucent white stone. The translucent white stone could be moonstone or selenite and the other I'm not too sure. I suppose my question would be: is there such thing as vampire crystals?
I've used crystals in the past when I was on the Sekhmet path years ago with the tiger's eye gem.
Also, I have an adept question: can someone such as myself, an asexual still be connected to the vampire path or is it one that is related to it?