The day I bought this rite Satania sent me a Blood Link which consisted of a photo of blood on a plate with a note informing me that the link was good for 30 days. Note: The Blood Link is not a link to a website. The Satania Cult Team emailed me 2 days later by with an outline of the rite along with instructions including the mantra and prayer. The Rite is conducted with the first part on Wednesday and the second part Thursday nights.
I spent the next two days preparing by committing the mantra and prayer to memory and listening to the prescribed video, and focusing on my purpose for taking part in the Rite. The Rite was initiated on the night of the May Flower Blood Moon in the hour of Luna while putting myself into a mild trance state I could feel my Crown Chakra being activated along with my Third Eye Chakra and Sacral Chakra and through my breath controlled the flow of sexual energy from my Third Eye to Sacrum and back up again while drifting into an Alpha and later Theta state of mind while drifting off into a deep sleep. While having visions of the Witches performing the Rite along with various colors coming into my body. I woke up a couple of hours later with sexual spirits in bed with me edging me up and later fell back into a deep sleep. When I woke the next morning I felt energized, relaxed and alert looking forward to preparing for the next night of the Rite.
I spent the day preparing for the Rite in the same manner as the day before. That evening I conducted Working of Greater Black Magic invoking the Prince of Darkness in tandem with the Third Eye Chakra Rite with Satania Witches once I completed the recitation of the mantra and prayers in the prescribed manner during meditation with the Third Eye - Sacral Chakra video I retired during the hour of Mars. While in bed I telepathically contacted the witches and drifted off to sleep and had an evening of very interesting and sexual dreams with all sorts of Demons and Spirits and woke up feeling Great.
The next night during the Eclipse I was once again visited and this time had the best orgasm I've ever had. I found this rite to both powerful and transformative with a new dimension to my sexual magical being that I am comfortable with and look forward to exploring with strange and unusual people who dare to tread the crooked path.
I've been in the Dark Arts most of my adult life, am a practitioner of Occult Martial Arts, Herbalist, Hypnotist and Necromancer and am both a natural and developed psychic and have used this rite to enhance both my psychic abilities and sexual being which is becoming an integral aspect of my magical practice. This Rite is well the worth price, time and effort put into it and will recommend it to anyone wanting to enhance or develop their sexual magical state of being.
You can learn anything you want to learn. Find a TaiJi teacher in Mexico I'm sure there are plenty of them around
As you know Occult means hidden and secret so you won't find anyone openly teaching Occult Martial Art. I first heard the term Occult Martial Art when I was conducting a study of Chaos Magick. It is mentioned in Libre Null & the Psychonaut. I had a Eureka Moment when I realized that I've been practicing Occult Martial Art throughout my magical career.
Internal Chinese martial arts such as Hsing-I, BaGua Chang and TaiJi Quan are the three main branches on internal martial art. There are several others that are not well known and are hidden from the general public.
These 3 arts together and by themselves are great magical tools in that the mind, spirit and body are disciplined together as one unit. With emphasis on energy work and visualization. Since TaiJi Quan is commonly known throughout the world talk about it and how it can be used in magick.
There is a difference between TaiJi and TaiJi Quan. TaiJi is an exercise that enhances one's health and well being. TaiJi Quan does the same thing but is an efficient and deadly martial art, also known as Dim Mak the art the of healing and death point striking and is based on acupuncture theory. Philosophically TaiJi means Grand Ultimate and Quan means Fist, Grand Ultimate Fist and is based on the interaction of Yin & Yang.
I've used aspects of the Form in my spell casting and ceremonial magick. Since working magick either on oneself or in the World of Horrors is based on a disciplined focused mind, energy being the Black Flame to manifest ones desired will Through the subconscious mind. When practicing the "Form" one drops into a light Alpha state trance and while in trance the magician focuses on specific goal, purpose, concept to understand, etc., employs focused energy into that spell and releases it into the universe upon completion of the working.
When dealing with unwanted thought forms, malevolent spirits and entities TaiJi can be use as a weapon to vanquish what one doesn't want in their life.
Movements in Magic by Robert Klein written back in the 1980's talks about TaiJi being a magical tool that you may find useful.
Occult Martial Arts are arts that can be used in the Physical, Magickal and Spiritual Realms.
Oof... Pure sexiness!! ๐๐๐พ
I want to befriend sexual spirits! I want to make sex magic! And having fun and sexy dreams like yours!! ๐
I wish I were part of a rite like yours. โค๏ธ๐๐๐๐โฃ๏ธ๐๐๐
What are the occult martial arts?