Lilith's Enn is "Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach." (1) Can anyone tell me what language this is? I know Latin but it is not Latin (thank you Catholic education). And it does not appear to be Enochian or Sumerian. Could it be an ancient language such as from the Hittites or Caananites? (2) What do these words say in English?
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Hi Taijiwizard and thank you for your reply. I am not surprised to learn that the ENN was divinely inspired by Lilith herself. That answers the question as to why I am unable to find an English translation of it. But I certainly would like to know its meaning. I will ask Lilith Herself but I am not expecting Her to provide a translation. She may prefer to not reveal the translation keeping it a sacred mystery. But hope springs eternal 😊 Thanks again for your reply.
Your aa good researcher I did the same thing until I realized after working with the Enn for some time I came to know Lilith and she revealed to me that her Enn was Divinely Inspired by her and revealed to the world by an unknown Devote of Lilith. While some Enns do have elements of ancient languages I found that most are Divinley inspired and are the spoken language of the Deamonic.