Well for starters, I don’t really accept or acknowledge Neo Pagan ideas of Hekate, because many of them are historically inaccurate, such as her depiction as a crone goddess.

Who is Hekate? Hekate is first mentioned in Hesiod’s Theogony (although she predates Greece and comes from Asia Minor) and is described as being the daughter of Asteria and Perses, two Titans, so she herself was a Titan. Hekate pledged her allegiance to Zeus and the other Olympians during the battle between Titans and the Olympians. In reward for her assistance Zeus granted Hekate powers over each of the three realms (Earth, Sea, and Sky) and Hesiod says that Hekate was the goddess that Zeus honored above all others. Hekate was a goddess of childbirth, despite being a virgin in most cases save a few, and a guardian of liminal, or in between, places. This is why shrines to her were set up outside the home and at the crossroads.
Hekate later became associated with more specific roles. As her connection with Artemis and Selene grew, so did her association with the moon. She also became associated as the Queen of All Ghosts and The Gates of the Underworld. Due to her increasing associations with the dead and the Moon, her most famous role emerged. She is most famously known as the goddess of witches and sorcery.
Why would you want to worship Hekate? For me it’s because I am a Witch. And as a Witch, Hekate became the goddess I most honored. There are many other appealing factors of Hekate though. I also view Hekate as the protectress of outsiders and “weirdos” and LGBTQ+ people. As an outsider, Witch, and Bi person, Hekate was and is the perfect goddess for me.
How to get into her? Read! Start with the myths like Medea and the Abduction of Persephone.
Then move on to books. For starters I recommend Hekate:
Keys to the Crossroads and Hekate: Liminal Rites both by Sorita d'Este, and The Temple of Hekate by Tara Sanchez. (Books available in Satania´s "Recommended" Page)
If you are really dedicated I recommend Hekate Soteira by Sarah Johnston and The Goddess Hekate by Stephen Ronan. (Both available in Satania´s "Recommended" Page)
Also I recommend praying to her every night and leaving her offerings of honey, garlic, and apples or pomegranates. If you really want to show devotion to her, set up a shrine to her and invite her to be present in your life in every way.

Overall, I think Hekate is a very powerful deity and should be respected and honored. If you feel drawn to her, follow your heart and pray she shines her torch light on the right path for you.
Hail Hekate!
Thank you for sharing I look forward to learning more about her